Beer Magazine



Beer Magazine–Beer and Cheese Pairing

From the pages of Beer Magazine Issue #6- Pairing Beer and Cheese
by BeerMagDerek


Where the hell is Issue #14? It’s PRINTING!!!! Finally.

The long awaited Issue 14 of Beer Magazine shows it's ugly head...wait it's not ugly. Sorry for the delay, and thanks for the support and understanding!!!!
by BeerMagDerek


Master Beer Chef Search – Over $2,000 in prizes!

Master Beer Chef Search! Win part of over $2,000 in prizes by cooking with beer. Pro's and Amateur cooks wanted. Win big and be famous!
by BeerMagDerek



Beer Wars – The Movie In Theaters 4/16

Want to see one of the few Beer documentaries to make it into theaters around the country. You've got one day only and it's the day after taxes are due. What better way to relax than having a beer, while watching beer.
by BeerMagDerek

Beer Magazine

Bridgeport Brewing Release Two New Beers…and had a dinner pairing!

Bridgeport brewing releases a Double Red Ale and Cafe Negro coffee infused porter! We fly up to join the release dinner and were treated to great beer, food, and people. Check it out!
by BeerMagDerek


Beer Magazine